MSACL Presenter Biography

Jessica Miller
University of Arizona Cancer Center

I completed a B.S. in 2005 with a major in Biology and minors in Chemistry and Math from Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI, In 2007 I completed an M.S. in Nutritional Science from University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, and in 2010 I completed my PhD also in Nutritional Science with a minor in Chemistry from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. I recently completed an R25 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Prevention and Control from the University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, AZ. I am a laboratory-trained nutritional scientist and my current research focuses on early phase clinical development of dietary cancer chemopreventive agents with an emphasis on agents for breast cancer prevention. I have developed novel assays to quantify the bioactive food components limonene and perillic acid from biological tissues for quantification with GC-MS and LC-MS. I have been involved with early phase clinical trials of cancer chemopreventive agents, including limonene, resveratrol, and green tea polyphenols. Through my R25T postdoctoral fellowship, I obtained some training in metabolomics at Imperial College, London using UPLC-MS. We have since continued this work by conducting metabolomic profiling in breast cancer patients on limonene intervention. Also in collaboration with Imperial College, we have initiated efforts to characterize the metabolite composition of nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) using NMR and GC-MS in an effort order to understand the local breast environment. In collaboration with Waters Corporation we have continued this metabolomics work using the Xevo G2S UPLC-QToF system (work presented in the submitted abstract).