MSACL Presenter Biography

Tiziana Pacchiarotta
LUMC (Leiden University Mdical Centre)

I obtained my master degree in analytical chemistry in 2006 at the University of Rome. After that, I worked as chemist in Italy and Spain performing quantitative analyses of emerging pollutants and pesticides. In 2008, I moved to The Netherlands and I started my PhD at the LUMC Centre for Proteomics and Metabolomics. This research experience has successfully resulted in several publications and the thesis entitled "Metabolomics of urinary tract infection: a multiplatform approach". During this period I acquired skills in gas and liquid chromatography, metabolomics workflow, data analysis, statistics and biology. Since 2012 I am post-doc researcher at the same department and I strictly collaborate with the LUMC nephrology department for the investigation of several renal diseases. I am also involved in the projects that range from genetic to infectious diseases.