MSACL Presenter Biography

Elena Chekmeneva
Imperial College London

I completed my undergraduate studies at Saint Petersburg State University in 2004 and was awarded with a grant from the University of Barcelona to start my PhD studies in Analytical Chemistry. After obtaining the PhD degree (Cum Laude) in 2009, I continued working at the University of Barcelona as a researcher and teaching assistant until 2011 when I was awarded with the Newton International Fellowship from the Royal Society of Chemistry. This allowed me to have an outstanding opportunity working in the field of Biomolecular and Supramolecular Chemistry and notably broadened my scientific skills. I am hard-working, determined and self-motivated by nature which has helped me progress in my professional career and become an experienced and independent researcher able to propose scientific ideas and drive them to completion as my publication record shows. My multidisciplinary experience put me in a strong position to become a Research Associate at the Imperial College London in 2013. It became immediately clear that there was tremendous synergy between the research on-going in the department and the expertise I brought. My research focuses on the development and application of analytical methods for characterising the human metabolome in large-scale international epidemiological studies (related to cardiovascular diseases) and clinical studies (related to pregnancy complications and influence of diet in pregnancy). One of the projects I am working in is INTERMAP (INTERnational collaborative study of MAcronutrients, micronutrients and blood Pressure) - a multi-centre cross-sectional epidemiologic investigation designed to help clarify the role of dietary factors in the development of unfavourable blood pressure levels in adults. I strongly believe that my past and present professional experiences have equipped me with necessary expertise and technical skills to establish myself as an excellent, broad-based experienced, independent researcher in the field of metabonomics and clinical analysis. In addition, I speak fluently five languages (Russian, English, Spanish, Catalan, Italian and French). Learning many languages has been an important factor for adaptation, creation of networks and establishing collaborations, apart from being a personal passion.