MSACL Presenter Biography

Luisa Doria
Imperial College of London

I started my journey with a BSc in Biology in University of Porto. I did my MSc in Biochemistry with specialization in Bio-molecular Methods from University of Aveiro also in Portugal. As part of my MSc research project, I focused on mass spectrometry-based lipidomic analysis in breast cancer cell lines there in University of Aveiro, in the Mass Spectrometry group from Department of Chemistry. I have also been awarded a research fellowship in January 2012 at the Department of Chemistry from the same university to continue my learning on mass spectrometry methodology in lipidomic analysis, not just in phospholipids but also in other lipid classes. My interests in this technique together with the study of diseases make me apply to this PhD, where I am going to continue to do lipidomic analysis with new approaches inside the mass spectrometry field to understand the lipid metabolism.