9. Increased Bioanalytical Throughput Utilizing Fused Core Particle with Selective Phospholipid Depletion
Mon 12:24 PM - PosterSplash Track 1
Rick Link
Craig Aurand, An Trinh, Hillel Brandes, David Bell.

Often the major concern in developing bioanalytical methods is addressing the effect of biofluid matrix on the detection of desired analytes. The impact of matrix effects in bioanalysis has been well documented. In the majority of cases co-extracted interferences directly affect the quantitation of analytes due to ionization effects induced by the extracted matrix. This extracted matrix can impact the concurrent chromatographic analysis, but more often is a result of chromatographic build up that leads to irregularities in both retention and quantitation. To address these issues, organic gradient elution is utilized for the chromatographic separation. In most cases gradient elution is not required for resolution of desired analytes, but instead required only to elute extracted matrix from the analytical column.

The study utilized a combination of high efficiency chromatographic particles with a simplified two-step sample preparation procedure to allow for sufficient matrix removal. Model pharmaceuticals and related compounds and/or metabolites were used as test probes under common high-throughput LC-MS analysis protocols. .

Performing a more thorough sample clean up enabled faster chromatographic analysis and thus increased the overall sample throughput. Using the HybridSPE platform for selective phospholipids depletion eliminated the need for gradient elution of matrix from the analytical column, resulting in the ability to perform isocratic chromatographic separation with dramatic increase in through put. Utilizing the Fused Core particle technology with this novel sample prep technique enabled faster analysis time with high chromatographic efficiency.

The combination of facile protein precipitation/phospholipid depletion and fast analysis using modern chromatographic particles shows great promise in increasing the throughput for bioanalytical methods. Shorter run times and longer column life are expected to result from such an approach.