30 Years of Steroid Analysis: From RIA to Turboflow LC-MSMS
Lunch and Learn Industrial Workshop; Monday 12:45 - 1:45
Executive 1
In this workshop Lars will share with us the experience at Statens Serum Institute in implementing a routine LC-MSMS test for steroids

Steroids as a compound group present many analytical challenges. They are endogenous, circulate in blood in low concentrations and have similar structures. Our facility has provided clinical analysis of steroids to the Danish population for the past 30 years. In recent years the number of samples has increased significantly, likewise has the demand for accuracy and specificity. Therefore, it has been necessary to implement new techniques and instrumentation. In our labs we have migrated from immunoassays, to liquid-liquid extraction LC-MSMS and on to online extraction LC-MSMS. The talk will describe the development of steroids analysis, problems we have faced and the solutions we have found, with focus on the later years' optimization and automation.