73. Analytical Performance of Mass Trak Kit for Tacrolimus and Cyclosporine Assay by LC-MS/MS
Poster: Tue 2:00-3:00PM
Yeo Min Yun
Konkuk University Hospital and School of Medicine
View Long Abstract
We evaluate the analytical performance of the MassTrak LC/MS/MS kit for tacrolimus and cyclosporine assay according to the CLSI guidelines. Inter-assay imprecision was ranged 4.9-8.0% for tacrolimus and 3.2-4.1% for cyclosporine. Intra-assay imprecision was 6.2-7.7% for tacrolimus and 1.4-4.1% for cyclosporine. Mass Trak LC/MS/MS kit showed a good linearity and sensitive detection limit. Comparison of tacrolimus results between in-house and Kit procedure showed a considerable correlation. The result of cyclosporine MassTrak kit versus the ARCHITECT immunoassay was different with positive bias in immunoassay. MassTrak kit is suitable for routine laboratory use and useful methodology for quality control.