= Discovery stage. (24.37%, 2023)
= Translation stage. (39.50%, 2023)
= Clinically available. (36.13%, 2023)
MSACL 2023 : Akbari

MSACL 2023 Abstract

Self-Classified Topic Area(s): Imaging > Emerging Technologies > none

Poster Presentation
Poster #25b
Attended on Thursday at 12:30

A New Infographics-Guided Method Using Multimodal Imaging Mass Spectrometry Technology for Chemists, Pathologists and Surgeons

Behnaz Akbari
Boston University, Boston, MA

Behnaz Akbari (Presenter)
Boston University


Presenter Bio: Behnaz Akbari (She, Her, Hers) is a Chemist who has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry from Iran. In 2019, she attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and obtained a second MSc in Chemistry in August 2021. To advance her career in medicine, she pursued her interests at Boston University School of Medicine. She studied "mass spectrometry imaging using cytometry by time-of-flight (TOF) strategies for brain tissues: A literature review", for her thesis, and then, graduated in August 2022 in the field of Bioimaging. Behnaz also has hands-on experience with cutting-edge mass spectrometry technology such as 15 Tesla Bruker SolariX FT-ICR mass spectrometers equipped with a dual ESI/MALDI source, FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry Imaging, MALDI-TOF/TOF, Knauer HPLC, Zeiss SEM-EDX, and ThorLabs' Optical Microscopy. Behnaz has special enthusiasm and interest in developing innovative biomedical research into MS and quantitative imaging techniques for human surgical decision-making.


Advanced mass spectrometry (MS) has broadly grown in tissue sample analysis, namely, imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), imaging mass cytometry (IMC), high-throughput analysis of tissue microarrays using automated desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS), MasSpec pen, intelligent knife (iKnife), Laser Desorption Probes (Handheld probes), and topography molecular imaging with the assistance of a robotic arm coupled with water-assisted laser desorption (SpiderMass). However, intraoperative applications of MS require to be introduced as routine techniques for pathologists to improve patient healthcare and to extend the assessment of decision-making skills for surgeons.

The bold ambition is to promote MS to the broader clinical community, integrating with quantitative multimodal imaging to visualize the data hidden in tissue samples. Because in a clinical setting, the primary concern is to analyze thin tissue sections from patients after sample preparation which could negatively affect sensitivity analysis of assurance methods and imaging quality. This is so we can link IMS and or IMC techniques to other imaging platforms, allowing interactions with pathologists, image analysis scientists, and surgeons in biomarker discovery, immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and metabolism.

Outline an IMS infographic, integrating imaging tools such as HALO and SciLS Lab, providing an understanding of quantitative multimodal imaging with simultaneous histological assessment.

The infographic IMS project incorporated educational technology and engaged the multi-disciplinary team (chemists, pathologists, and surgeons) in clinical laboratories. Several beneficial features, such as a quick overview of IMS technology in the clinical setting and multimodal imaging integration, could promote visual literacy and develop creativity in the imaging domain.

The infographic IMS project helps clinicians understand the world of multimodal imaging workflows for later use at the operating suite housed in a hospital to aid pathologists and surgeons in exploring emerging questions in immunology, neuroscience, and cancer.

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