= Discovery stage. (16.60%, 2024)
= Translation stage. (37.02%, 2024)
= Clinically available. (46.38%, 2024)
MSACL 2024 : Seeley

MSACL 2024 Abstract

Self-Classified Topic Area(s): Imaging > Imaging > none

Podium Presentation in De Anza 1 on Thursday at 15:05 (Chair: Surendra Dasari / Angela Kruse)

Integration of Multiplexed Spatial Multi-omics for Deeper Understanding of Cancer Biology

Erin H. Seeley (1), Jimin Min (2,3), Paola Guerrero (2,3), Jared K. Burks (4), Sammy Ferri-Borgogno (5), Anirban Maitra (2,3)
1. Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin 2. Sheikh Ahmed Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 3. Department of Translational Molecular Pathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 4. Department of Leukemia, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 5. Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine, MT Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Erin Seeley, PhD (Presenter)
University of Texas at Austin

Presenter Bio: Dr. Seeley is the Director of the Mass Spectrometry Imaging Facility. She has over 20 years of experience in mass spectrometry and analytical techniques, beginning with her undergraduate research at Penn State University. She completed her Ph.D. at Purdue University under the direction of Dr. Fred Regnier studying comparative proteomic analyses with a focus on phosphoproteomics.

She spent a combined 9 years in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Caprioli (the inventor of MALDI MSI) as a Postdoc and then Associate Director of the Vanderbilt University Tissue Imaging Core, where she worked with a wide variety of sample types and analyte targets in clinical and preclinical imaging studies. During this time, she developed and streamlined a histology-guided MS profiling workflow for high throughput analysis of clinical samples for diagnostic and prognostic applications. After leaving Vanderbilt, she worked for 6 years in a CRO setting offering MSI services.

Over her career, her main focus has been on clinical applications of mass spectrometry imaging for improving diagnostics and prognostics. Erin is committed to providing collaborators with high quality mass spectrometry imaging data and advancing the MSI field.


Traditionally, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) studies have focused on one mode of MSI analysis coupled with one or two histological stains of a serial section. Recently, however, focus has shifted to maximizing the amount of molecular information that can be obtained from a minimal amount of tissue. Through careful experimental planning, multiple MS images can be collected sequentially from the same tissue section. Furthermore, these data can be integrated with other spatial omics data to enable a deeper understanding of cancer biology. This presentation will introduce the technology for collecting multiple mass spectrometry imaging from the same tissue section to maximize the amount of information that can be obtained from a single tissue section. A couple of oncology case studies will be presented highlighting these workflows as well as integration with other spatial omics approaches.

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