Translating Pre-Clinical Research to Clinical Patient Care™


Agenda (Preliminary)

Wednesday, April 1



Badge Pickup

Location: RegDesk @ Ballroom Foyer

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 1

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 3

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 4

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 5

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 6

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 2


Location: Ballroom Foyer

Scientific Session 1
Tox/TDM/Endocrine: Order of Operations: Workflow Optimization and Quality Improvements for Mass Spectrometry
Chair: Stephen Roper

Location: Room 1

Scientific Session 1
Standardization and Normalization of Metabolomic and Lipidomic Workflows
Chair: Melanie Odenkirk

Location: Room 2

Scientific Session 1
Data Science Keynote: Olga Vitek
Chair: Randall Julian

Location: Room 3

Scientific Session 1
Imaging MS: In the Clinic
Chair: Peggi Angel

Location: Room 4

Scientific Session 1
Proteomics: Innovating New Biomarkers
Chair: Stephen Pennington

Location: Room 5

Scientific Session 1
Practical Training
Chair: Hema Ketha

Location: Room 6

Exhibits & Poster Session

Location: Exhibit Hall

Even 'a' poster positions to be attended.

Scientific Session 2
Not Your Average Cannabinoids
Chair: Jen Colby

Location: Room 1

Scientific Session 2
Beyond Metabolomics -or- Lipidomics: Mutli-omic Analysis of Patient Samples
Chair: Elizabeth Want

Location: Room 2

Scientific Session 2
Data Flow
Chair: Will Slade

Location: Room 3

Scientific Session 2
Imaging MS Keynote: Lingjun Li
Chair: Richard Drake

Location: Room 4

Scientific Session 2
Proteomics: Clinical Biomarker Assays - Revamped
Chair: Chris Shuford

Location: Room 5

Scientific Session 2
Practical Training
Chair: Elizabeth Frank

Location: Room 6

Lunch On Own

Location: YourChoice

Maximize learning opportunities by popping into a Workshop where a sandwich lunch will be served, or enjoy a meal at one of The Riviera dining options, or take a walk to a nearby option such as Wexler's or Rick's Desert Grill.

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 1

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 2

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 4

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 5

Corporate Workshop

Location: Room 6

Discussion Group: METASPACE

Location: Room 3

Chair: Theodore Alexandrov
A workshop to discuss METASPACE.

The METASPACE platform hosts an engine for metabolite annotation of imaging mass spectrometry data as well as a spatial metabolite knowledgebase of the metabolites from hundreds of public datasets provided by the community.

Scientific Session 3
Fentanyl at the Forefront: Using Non-traditional Approaches to Identify Fentanyl Analogs
Chair: Hema Ketha

Location: Room 1

Scientific Session 3
Imaging -omics of Hepatic Disease
Chair: Michael Chen

Location: Room 2

Scientific Session 3
Microbiology Keynote: Robert Cody
Chair: Chris Cox

Location: Room 3

Scientific Session 3
Imaging MS: Translational Research
Chair: Reid Groseclose

Location: Room 4

Scientific Session 3
Proteomics: Established Biomarkers Done Better
Chair: Andrew Hoofnagle

Location: Room 5

Scientific Session 3
Practical Training
Chair: Grace van der Gugten

Location: Room 6

Exhibits & Poster Session

Location: Exhibit Hall

Odd 'a' poster positions to be attended.

Meet-a-Mentor: Poster Tours 1

Location: Exhibit Hall

Join a mentor as they tour the posters. Learn more about what mentors are looking for in a poster, and how they engage the presenter.

Remove Wed Posters

Location: Exhibit Hall

Scientific Session 4
A 360ᵒ View of Immunosuppressants: Assay Development to Clinical Applications
Chair: Mark Marzinke

Location: Room 1

Scientific Session 4
Metabolomics of Small Volume Specimens - Doing More with DBS
Chair: Amy Caudy (pending)

Location: Room 2

Scientific Session 4
Data Science Keynote: Andrea Geistanger
Chair: Stephen Master

Location: Room 3

Scientific Session 4
Imaging MS: Biomarkers
Chair: Kevin Schey

Location: Room 4

Scientific Session 4
Pinky and the Brain Proteomics
Chair: Tim Collier

Location: Room 5

Scientific Session 4
Practical Training
Chair: Matt Crawford

Location: Room 6


Location: Exhibit Hall

Place Thu Posters

Location: Exhibit Hall

Meet-a-Mentor: Office Hours

Location: Exhibit Hall

Have a question from the congress that you have been itching to ask? Or a problem from work that you want to get feedback on? Or feedback on the congress? Sign up at the registration desk for 15-min blocks to share time and ideas with a mentor in a relaxed setting.
View Mentors and more info.

Troubleshooting Forum: Poster Rounds

Location: Exhibit Hall

Join the troubleshooting poster discussion to learn something new or add your two cents.

My Path to Enlightenment, or How I Became a Clinical Mass Spectrometrist and Clinical Chemist
Alan Rockwood
Professor Emeritus, University of Utah
Chair: Distinguished Contribution Award Committee : Shannon Haymond, Marilyn Huestis, Rick Yost, Stephen Master

Location: Rooms 4-6

FeMS: Award Presentation and Discussion Group

Location: Room 1

Chairs: Grace van der Gugten and Hema Ketha
1. Presentation of The Catherine E Costello Award for Females in Mass Spectrometry to Dr. Sarah Brown Riley, sponsored by Avanti Polar Lipids and presented by Catherine E Costello.
2. Small group networking and guided discussion regarding topics relevant to Females in Mass Spectrometry.

No Host Dinner

Location: Soleil Pool

Enjoy a pleasant Palm Springs evening with colleagues by the pool where food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Alternatively, if you prefer an offsite meal, you can try nearby:
1. Draughtsman, 3:00pm to 10pm, Food, large selection of Craft Beers, outdoor games. Settle in.
2. Sandfish, Excellent Sushi and whiskey pairings. 4:30 to 10pm. Reservation recommended.
3. Billy Reeds, American comfort food, good for large groups. 8am-9pm.
4. JJ's Latin Oasis, Mexican food.

A wee bit further:
1. Copleys, Fine Dining (reservation)
2. Workshop, Contemporary (reservation)
3. Purple Palm Poolside Mediterranean (reservation)